_Jakartakita.com: Buddy Jakarta, choose a location that dream house 'easy bother'. There are many important things to consider when choosing a location for a dream home. Land and house prices are low enough not to be taken into consideration.

Here are some things you should consider before you decide to choose the location of your dream home:

       Road Condition is the most important thing to consider. Useless house is nice but hard access to your home, for example; muddy streets, too narrow for vehicles, or asphalt but holes. You better be looking for another location.
     Water Facility, Electricity and Telephone is a requirement of completeness home. You do not want a nice house but not a poor water quality, the phone line has not been entered, and the power supplies are off.
     Cleanliness Environment. Note the cleanliness of the neighborhood! How sanitation systems in these environments? Do not ignore the environment clean if you care about your health and family. Because you and your family will be spending time in the house.
     Green Environment. What home environment 'green' than green and unsightly, also good for health. Because green trees able to keep the air quality from pollution.
     Flood-free. Flood free to be one of the most important criteria in determining the location of a dream house.
     Strategic. Strategic is the likely subjective. Everyone has their strategic criteria. You can decide for themselves whether the residence is within easy reach of your own and other people, or close to places that you visit frequently. The strategic location also can mean ease of transportation.
     Public facilities. Public facilities may include hospitals, shopping center, gym, swimming pool or other amenities that will make your dream home location is ideal as an independent city.


ref: <a href="http://jakartakita.com/2012/03/02/tips-memilih-lokasi-rumah-idaman/

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